Herbal Suppliers
A List of Herbal & Spiritual Sources
What to look for when buying your supplies
When buying herbal supplies for yourself, try to look for ethical companies sourcing their ingredients with high standards such as Fair Trade, Organic, Non-GMO.
Herbal Suppliers
Auromere: The Ayurveda People
Banyan Botanicals
Frontier Co-op
Organic India
Starwest Botanicals
Mountain Rose Herbs
Banyan Botanicals available on iHerb.com
iHerb.com brings together a very wide selection of herbal suppliers. Be sure to sort by “Organic” and also seek reliable companies. Sometimes you can find a pretty good deal on elite suppliers, such as Banyan Botanicals.
(If you’re asked who referred you, remember us!)
Organic India available on iHerb.com
iHerb.com brings together a very wide selection of herbal suppliers. Be sure to sort by “Organic” and also seek reliable companies.
Organic India is a great herbal company!
(If you’re asked who referred you, remember us!)
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